Einspahr Auto Plaza

Jan 16, 2023

does my hybrid need an oil change


Hybrid and electric vehicles are not going anywhere, folks, so let’s talk about how to service them!


Whether you made the switch recently or are just curious about how hybrid and electric vehicles (EVs) work, it’s important to know how to service these vehicles. 


One of the most important and regular services vehicles need is oil changes, but how does that work for hybrids and EVs? 




Do Hybrid or Electric Vehicles Need Oil Changes?  


The short answer is yes, hybrid vehicles still need regular oil changes, but a fully electric vehicle does not. 


This is because oil is needed to help a vehicle’s engine, and an EV does not use a regular combustion engine so there is no need for oil changes. Hybrid vehicles still have an engine that needs clean oil to help them run, which is why oil changes are still needed. 


 do hybrid cars need an oil change?


More On Hybrid Oil Changes


Oil changes for hybrid vehicles are a bit different from standard oil changes in that you’ll probably need fewer oil changes over time. It’s suggested that typical engines need oil changes every 5,000 miles, while hybrid engines can be changed regularly up to every 10,000 miles depending on how you drive. 


If you mostly just drive through town, less frequent oil changes are fine. For those who maybe drive their hybrid on the interstate and commute most days, oil changes should be similar to those with a standard gasoline or diesel vehicle. 


A different type of hybrid oil is also recommended for hybrid vehicles, but that oil is usually readily available (including here at Einspahr) and around the same price as standard oil. 




The Electric Future of Brookings


Many things about hybrid and electric vehicles can seem unfamiliar or intimidating, but hopefully, now oil changes are not one of them. If you have any other questions about how hybrid or electric vehicles work, just ask our team


And if this post made you remember you haven’t had your oil changed in a while, schedule your next one today


Hybrid and electric vehicles are here to stay and can be found at Einspahr Auto. Interested in upgrading to one or taking one for a test drive? We have a few available now in Brookings. 




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